Reach for the Top Summary

Maria Sharapova

Maria Sharapova’s number one position in world tennis
There is something at odds with Maria Sharapova with her smile and dress. This lifted her on 22 August 2005 to the world number one position in women’s tennis. She is a Siberian teenager. It took her four years to achieve the top position.

Maria’s trip to US .
Maria’s climb upwards started nine years before. She was not yet 10 when she was sent to train in America. That trip to Florida with her father Yuri put her on the line to success and stardom. But it meant a separation also of two years from her mother Yelena. Yelena had to live in Siberia due to visa restrictions.

Maria’s stay and training in the US
Maria recalls that she felt lonely in the US. She missed her mother greatly. Her father also couldn’t see her mother. He earned only as much as to keep her tennis-training going. She was young. She used to tidy up the room and clean it. The seniors would make her do so.

Maria’s toughness
This made her determined and mentally tough. She also learnt how to take care of herself. She never thought of quitting. She knew what she wanted. This toughness is still there in her.

Maria becomes number one
She bagged the ladies’ single crown at Wimbledon in 2004. She became world’s number one in 2005.

Her mantra for success
Maria has journeyed from Siberia to the top of women’s tennis. It has touched the hearts of tennis fans. She looks straight and answers clearly. These tell that her sacrifices were worth it. She says that she works hard at what she does. This is her mantra for success.

Maria on her Russian roots
Maria speaks with an American accent. She shows her pride to be a Russian. She says that her blood is Russian. However, the US is a big part of her life. She will play the Olympics for Russia if they wanted her to play.

Sharapova’s hobbies
Sharapova’s hobbies are fashion, singing and dancing. She loves reading the novels of Arthur Canan Doyle. She is fond of evening gowns. She loves pancakes with chocolate spread and orange drinks.

Sharapova’s thoughts on tennis etc.
Sharapova can’t be put in a category. She has talent, a desire to succeed and readiness to sacrifice. These qualities have lifted her to the top of the world. She finds money as motivation. Tennis is a business and a sport. But the most important thing is to become number one in the world. This dream has kept her going.

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